How to gather TrueSight Capacity Optimization (TSCO) ETL logs - INCLUDES VIDEO
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How to gather TrueSight Capacity Optimization (TSCO) ETL logs - INCLUDES VIDEO
How to gather TrueSight Capacity Optimization (TSCO) ETL logs
TrueSight Capacity Optimization
Capacity Optimization
TSCO ALL versions
TrueSight Capacity Optimization
Capacity Optimization
TSCO ALL versions
In TrueSight Capacity Optimization (TSCO), How to find and send the ETL logs to Technical Support?
You can watch this video to see how to collect ETL logs in debug mode:
To export an ETL run logs, follow these steps:
Access the TSCO Web Console
Navigate to Administration > ETL & SYSTEM TASKS > ETL tasks
Find the ETL you want to gather logs from and select the View details icon on the corresponding row
Accessing the ETL log files - View details icon
BCO 9.5 SP1 (9.5.01) and later
In BCO 9.5 the 'Links to produced files' section at the bottom of the ETL log screen has been removed. The logs are now embedded within the log messages as message type 'OUTPUT'. The 'Collect logs' button can be used to package up the logs and download them to the local workstation.
Clicking the Collect Logs button will create a log file zip (with the extension '.pout'):
The *.pout file created by the Collect logs option can be sent to BCO Technical Support as it includes all of the log files associated with the ETL execution.
the links to download the log files can be found at the bottom of the page that opens, containing the ETL logs for the last execution
the .out file contains the standard output log of the ETL process
the .err file contains the standard error log of the ETL process
Downloading the log files for the last execution of the ETL
to view the logs of a previous execution, click the left arrow button at the bottom of the page
the log page can also be reached by clicking on the name of the ETL and selecting the Show log link at the top of the page
Accessing the ETL log files - Show log link
BCO 9.5.00 and earlier - How to gather ETL log files for advanced debugging
To view the logs of the load phase of the ETL, scroll to the bottom of the page.
Three different sets of files are produced for every imported dataset:
Oracle .ctl files: one file is created for each dataset imported by the ETL, containing data to be loaded by the ETL
Oracle .ctl.log files: one log file is created for each corresponding .ctl file, containing logs specific to the load phase of the dataset
Debug CSV file: it is a file without an extension, containing the first 1000 rows of the real dataset that will be loaded
Advanced debugging
If youreceive any warnings related to bad data, you can also look for files named as your .ctl files but with a .bad extension (for example, L1S322658.bad). A .bad file is generated for every .ctl file that contains bad data. These files cannot be downloaded directly from the user interface; to retrieve them, access the $CPITBASE/etl/output folder on the server that is running the ETL, using ssh.
Accessing the ETL log files - Advanced debugging
ALL BCO versions - How to generate the complete debug CSV file for advanced debugging
It is possible to edit the ETL run configuration and specify a custom limit of rows (default: 1000) that are saved in the debug CSV file.
Changing the default number of rows in the CSV debug file