Symptoms: After installation, the connection from the CCM to Control-M Archiving fails if a firewall or certain hosts/IPs and ports are blocked while others are permitted. Control-M Workload Archiving is a Java application and it implements the CORBA communication with JacOrb 3rd party. Applies To: |
Legacy ID:KA416753
Solution: For Archiving you will need to open a range of 20 ports for the Archivers use. After deciding on a range and opening them for access incoming, you will need to adjust the config file (please backup the file first): <Workload Archiving Home>/config/ For example: OAIAddr=<The host name / IP that we want to publish> The following lines will need to be set for your envrionment: Uncomment the following lines:
Set and uncomment the following lines:<your min allowed port e.g. 4711><your max allowed port e.g. 4733><your min allowed port e.g. 4711><your max allowed port e.g. 4733> They are just using the 'pool' of ports that will be opened and accessible.
If a firewall is used then have the firewall rules modified to allow connections from outside to the port range specified After reboot of the WA machine make sure to start the WA service arc_start_server for Windows platfroms. Or you can configure a task to start the service at start up. |