I am a TrueSight Capacity Optimization (TSCO) administrator. What I can do on daily basis to have a quick overview of the status of my TSCO environment?
Check this video from the TrueSight Capacity Optimization YouTube channel:
Clicking on the component box will drill down to the error message or the sub-component that is reporting the error:
TSCO 11.3.01 and earlier:
From here, you can check two things:
In table Messages: with the button on the right you can drill down into details. For example, you can look at the failed ETLs, check each ETL log and understand if could be an environment problem (e.g. data source not reachable) or if you need to involve product support. In this second case, please attach ETL logs to case (How to gather BCO ETL logs)
in table Components that all enabled components are in green, and their last update date is updated (the check of the status of the components is performed every 10 minutes by the Component Status Checker task). If you don't see the status updated, check if this task is properly scheduled
2. Check Database space and Warehouse status
Go on the page Administration >Data Warehouse > Status
In Alert box, check if there are alerts. If yes, drill down to understand details
In Space box, check if the database space is not real to saturation. If you click on Space report, you will have details for each table space. Verify estimated days to crash for each table space is reasonably far (for example, greater that 10 days)
If it's low, verify that auto extensible is set to YES
If the above conditions are not verified, check DB space with your DBA
In Flow box, check if there are alerts. In details, you can check the maximum queue age. If it greater than 24 hours, get in contact with support, excluding some cases likes:
There were problems in the infrastructure recently (e.g. a down of the DB)
There is a massive historical recovery in progress
In Volume box, check if the flow is stable and check if there is not negative peak. If you find one, check if all ETLs are running properly and check the Flow box (previous point)
3. Check the Maintenance Tasks
Go on pageAdministration > ETL & SYSTEM TASKS > System tasks
Verify that Maintenance Activity chain is scheduled (WAITING as Status) and last exit is OK (green)
Verify that Component Status Checker task is scheduled (WAITING or RUNNING as Status) and last exit is OK (green)
Verify other scheduled tasks are not in ERROR. If there are, verify their logs or execution history
Verify if there are RUNNING tasks and check if they have been running for a reasonable time (<24 hours)
3. Check the ETL Tasks
Go on pageAdministration > ETL & SYSTEM TASKS > ETL tasks
Verify your production ETLs are scheduled (WAITING as Status) and last exit is OK (green). In case of ERROR or FAILED as last exit, verify their logs or execution history
Verify if there are RUNNING ETLs and check if they have been running for a reasonable time (<24 hours)
4. Check on data
Check data availability with a Quick Analysis over a sample system on the Workspace section
Check the Last activity dates to be current or yesterday
Press the Quick analysis button on the right to chart one metric (e.g. CPU_UTIL) and select a time filter like last 7 days. If the chart is not produced and you get the warning No data is available for the selected time filter, please go back in the previous page, click on the information icon () on the raw of the metric you select for the analysis. Check:
If the ETL that have to import this metrics is running properly
Check the status of the warehouse (see one of previous points)
For any clarification, you can get in contact with product support team, providing details of the problem, screenshots and logs. You can collect: