1. After upgrading from TSCO 11.5.01 environment to TSCO 20.02 version, TSCO upgrade installation was successful. During the upgrade activity converted earlier TSPS environment from Standalone Mode TO HA (High Availability) Mode. 2. Upgraded environment : TSCO 20.02 CHF5 + TSPS 11.3.02 HA. 3. Updated the latest CO Plugin on both TSPS Nodes (Active / Passive) successfully. 4. However, unable to add the CO Component on TSPS HA URL. Below error is seen after clicking “Save” button to add CO Component (either with 8280 or 8443 Port) : Error :"Failed to add component" 5. Also found "500 Internal Server Error" from the inspect page of TSPS "Add Component" Page. 6. Due to this problem TSCOs "Component Status Checker" System Task was also unable to recognize the updated latest CO Plugin from TSPS environment and in result failing to update the TrueSight Presentation Server CO Plugin Version and build date on TSCO Database. 7. Issue occurs only with TSPS HA mode. No issue is een with TSPS Standalone console. 8.From the TSPS log found below "NotSerializable" exception issue which was actually causing to add the CO Component on TSPS HA Console. InvocationContextInterceptor ISPN000136: Execution error org.infinispan.commons.marshall.NotSerializableException: Object of type class com.bmc.truesight.platform.etl.component.management.types.COComponent expected to be marshallable |
This problem is being tracked by Defect ‘DRCOZ-27666 : Unable to add TSCO 20.02 CO component on TSPS 11.3.02 HA Console, Error "Failed to add component"’. A fix will be available in the latest TrueSight Capacity Optimization Fix Pack1 for TSCO version 20.02 i.e. 20.02.01. For additional information on how to obtain the latest TSCO CHF see: 000097159: Cumulative Hot Fixes for TrueSight Capacity Optimization (CO), CO Gateway Server, and CO Agent, and CO Perceiver (https://bmcsites.force.com/casemgmt/sc_KnowledgeArticle?sfdcid=000097159) Note : The fix will also correct errors from the "Component Status Checker" system task generated for TSPS . |