The rscd agent is up and running on the target server
In case of Windows server, RSCD agent service startup type is set to 'Automatic (Delayed Start)' and there is no error in the agent log (rscd.log) after startup
rscd port (default 4750) is listening on the target server. Use below commands to check the same
netstat -an | find /i "4750" (In case of Windows)
netstat -an | grep 4750 (On Linux Servers)
Check if firewall service is running on the target server or not
# systemctl status firewalld (On Linux Servers)
NOTE: - In case 'iptables' is used for linux targets, then check if rules for the port 4750 has been declared or not! - For Windows based target servers, check the firewall status from Control Panel under 'System and Security'
Ping from appserver/socks proxy to the target server works: "ping <targetServerName>"
This will help validate if the appserver/socks proxy is able to resolve the target server name
Telnet from appserver/socks proxy to the target server works: "telnet <target server name> 4750"
If telnet does not work, user need to check with the network team to get the telnet on rscd port working
If telnet is not available, you can try with 'tnc' command from powershell prompt
If the target is behind SOCKS proxy, then check the following:
'exports' file on the target server (under 'C:\Windows\rsc' in case of Windows or '/etc/rsc' for Linux) contains the SOCKS hostname specified
the target server property used in the network routing rule conditions for the SOCKS proxy in 'Infrastructure Management' is properly configured