One of the features introduced in BMC Atrium 9.1 Service Pack 4 is the redesigned CMDB interface. This new console uses the Jetty web server component, which was integrated with the AR System Server in the 9.1 release. The new console is opened via the Configuration Manager Dashboard link on the applications fly-out menu. When this link is selected workflow opens a URL of the form http://<mid-tier>/arsys/launch/cmdb?server=<arserver>. This is resolved by the mid-tier to http://arserver:8008/cmdb/index.html Note that this URL is served by the Jetty instance on an AR server and not the mid-tier. Many customers have a Remedy infrastructure which does not allow direct access to ports on the AR server systems from client browsers. What configuration changes are necessary to allow access to the Jetty server via a load balanced URL? |
This knowledge article may contain information that does not apply to version 21.05 or later which runs in a container environment. Please refer to Article Number 000385088 for more information about troubleshooting BMC products in containers. The first step is to configure your load balancer to accept connections on a new port and pass traffic to the Jetty server on one or more AR servers. Session affinity is not required so you may choose to distribute the calls across multiple servers. The default port for the AR Jetty instance is 8008. An example configuration would be for the load balancer to also accept connections on this port and pass the requests to the same port number on the AR servers. The exact details of how this needs to be done will vary depending on the type of load balancer you are using. Please consult your load balancer administrator for help with this step. If your environment uses firewalls between clients and the midtier, or between midtiers and AR servers, you will need to update their configuration to allow the new port to be used. The next step is to modify the Jetty server URL used to access the console. The midtier reads this from the com.bmc.arsys.server.shared level Redirect-URL entry in the AR System Configuration Component Setting form. Open this form and search for the record with these values. The Setting Value consists of one or more, semi-colon separated, strings of the format cmdb.arserver:http://arserver:8008/cmdb/index.html. For example, a server group with two servers - clm-pun-033762 and clm-pun-018614 - will have this Setting Value cmdb.clm-pun-033762:;cmdb.clm-pun-018614:; Modify the URL for each named server to reference the load balancer name and the port you configured in the step above. For example, if the URL used to access your Remedy system is and you set port 8008 as the new load balanced port, the updated Setting Value would be cmdb.clm-pun-033762:;cmdb.clm-pun-018614: Save the changes to the record to update the configuration. To verify that the new URL works as expected open the Configuration Manager Dashboard and confirm that the load balanced URL is now used. |